Hello! 👋

I'm an experienced Software Developer and Content Operations Manager, with a passion for building great user-focused products and developing wonderful stakeholder relationships. I have a deep history of working in e-commerce, specifically multi-sided marketplaces.


  • Project 2

    AaayeMDB Movie Watchlist

    Built using the MERN stack. This app fetches in data from The Movie DB API and allows you to save your additions to a watch list via MongoDB.

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  • Project 3

    Cyberpunk Quiz

    Using React I wanted to create an app that would help me understand how state is passed around the front end. I thought what better way than to create a quiz to test your Cyberpunk knowledge.

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  • Project 3


    Another passion project of mine. I created MovieShuffle to end the countless hours that my partner and I would spend debating on what to watch. Use MoveShuffle to enter your movie options and do the work of choosing for you.

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  • Project 3

    Keegan Helmbrecht Photography

    This is my photography website. I host a lot of my travel pictures on here and abstract images that I've taken over the years. It also has lots of portrait pictures that I've done of my collegues.

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  • Project 3

    Chuck Norris Joke Zone

    What's more fun than building something silly? To practice my data fetching skills I built a little Chuck Norris Fan Site.

    Warning: it's ridiculous but was a treat to create.

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  • Project 1

    Group Meet

    My first real Django project. The goal of this app is to connect coworkers with similar hobbies and interests. Front end was put together using Django's templating and the database is PostgreSQL.

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  • Project 3

    Static Site Generator

    Using the Django web framework I built this static site generator using Python, CSS, HTML and Jinja2. Run build.py and combine your content with templates to create static pages.

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  • Project 3

    Snowcrash Chapters CSS

    Having been obsessed with Snow Crash I wanted to practice my CSS to create a fun way to stylize the first chapter of my favorite Cyber Punk novel by Neal Stephenson.

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  • Project 3

    UX Portfolio

    A local UX writer and designer portfolio. Eunice has worked on many different projects for Redbubble and Google. This portfolio is a work in progress and will be live soon! :)

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Thank you for stopping by!

If you have any questions or if there's anything I can help you with project-wise please get in touch. I look forward to hearing from you!


    (206) 446-8469